Dear parents and community members of Dillon.
Dillon School District #10 has a plan in place to provide meals for all children ages 18 and younger during this time of school closure. Starting Tuesday, March 17th food may be picked up from the Parkview Elementary rear staff parking lot from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Food service will be provided during weekdays only. As we only have one pick up time, breakfast for the following day will also be offered. Those picking up food will not be allowed in the school and will not be allowed to congregate or stay on school grounds. A school menu will be updated on the district website and Facebook page.
Additionally, the Dillon Food Pantry will be open from 10:00 am-3:30 pm each Wednesday. Parents with questions should contact Kevin Brown at 406-925-3227 or the Dillon Food Pantry itself on Wednesdays at 406-660-4500.
Joel Rogers
Middle School Principal/Athletic Director
Dillon Elementary School District #10
Office: (406) 683-2368 Option 2