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Official Sites of Indian Tribes in Montana
Native Knowledge 360° is the National Museum of the American Indian's national initiative to inspire and promote improvement of teaching and learning about American Indians. New perspectives on Native American history, cultures, and contemporary lives.
OPI-Indian Education: The goal of the Indian Education Division is to assist in the successful implementation of the Indian Education for All Act (MCA 20-1-501) and to work to close the achievement gap for American Indian students in Montana.
Library of Congress- Gather information on American Indian leaders and culture. Study essays, music, maps and images related to the treatment and portrayal of American Indians by European explorers and settlers. Examine treaties dating from 1778-1842 and images and documents relating to assimilating American Indians through education.
National Archives- Among the billions of historical records housed at the National Archives throughout the country, researchers can find information relating to American Indians from as early as 1774 through the mid 1990s. The National Archives preserves and makes available the documents created by Federal agencies in the course of their daily business.
Wounded Knee Museum- The Museum is a narrative museum with vivid photos, text, videos, music, and models which create full immersion into the history of the time.
Montana Tribes- This resource has been developed for use in implementing Indian Education for All, through a collaboration between Montana’s Office of Public Instruction and the University of Montana’s Regional Learning Project in the Center for Continuing Education.