HEAD COACH: Bobbi Konen
PHONE NUMBER: 406-683-2361
EMAIL: bkonen@bchsmt.com
2024 Volleyball Handbook
Our Lady Beavers Volleyball program provides an environment where athletes can reach their academic, athletic, and personal potential during High School and beyond. Athletes learn what Beaver Pride is and how to compete with passion. They are taught how to compete with mental toughness and how to cope with adversity during matches, practices, as well as in the classroom and off the court. When an athlete leaves the volleyball program, they should have developed a sense of personal responsibility and an understanding of the hard work that is necessary for one to be successful in life.
Senior Night Photos

It was a cold and soggy Labor Day parade!
Team Bonding :)

Varsity girls having some fun during tip-off in Columbia Falls

Summer Kids Camps!