The following robo call is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 6:30 PM

Good evening, this is Megan Conrow the Superintendent of Beaverhead County High School, with an important announcement regarding the upcoming Youth Risk Behavior Survey.

On Tuesday, March 11, a random selection of classes will be selected to participate in the Montana Office of Public Instruction’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).  This electronic survey is designed to gather important data on student health and safety behaviors, including topics such as nutrition, physical activity, mental health, substance use, and school safety. The results help schools and communities develop programs to support student well-being. Click on the following link to view a copy of the survey.  Youth Risk Behavior 9-12 Questionnaire

If your child is enrolled one of the selected classes, you should have received an email with follow-up information that includes both a copy of the survey and a form that allows you to opt your child out if you do not want them to participate. If you are opting out your child, please fill out the opt out form and return it to the high school office no later than Monday, March 10, 2025. I have posted both the survey and the opt out form on the high school website. To find this information click on the Parent Notices button on the home page of the website at .   

If you have any questions, please contact the high school office during normal business hours at 406-683-2361.

Below I have included links to view the survey and the opt out form…