Flu Shot Clinic & Text Message Test ROBO Call: October 9, 2023 


Good evening, this is Megan Conrow the Superintendent at Beaverhead County High School with an important announcement regarding Flu shots and text messaging options. 


We have been working with our local Public Health Department to schedule an opportunity for them to administer Flu shots to our interested staff and students.  FLU SHOTS are scheduled for Wednesday, October 11 from 7:45 am to 9:00 am in the Auditorium of our main building. 


If you are interested in your child receiving the flu shot, please have your son or daughter pick up the necessary paperwork from the high school office. You can also download this form from our website.  Please make sure that all paperwork is complete with signatures prior to Wednesday, October 11th. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 406-683-2361 between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:30 pm. 


Tonight we will also be sending out a test text message. It is our hope that we can use this as another tool to proactively engage with our families. You do not have to let us know that you received the message or not, we will be able to run a report showing any messages that failed.  


As a reminder, all ROBO call transcripts, including this one are posted to our school website at www.bchsmt.com